The Real Brazil: How to Prepare for Your First Trip

Brazil is an amazing country with an incredibly rich culture and a population of 200+ million people. It is the largest country in Latin America. It stretches from the Amazon River in the north to the vineyards and vast Iguazu Falls in the south. In Brazil, everything is at its maximum. The size of plants, the number of colorful buildings and skyscrapers on one street, the colorfulness of people and the diversity of cultures . From the Japanese from the largest Japanese quarter in the world, Liberdade, to the Portuguese, Italians and Jews. And the carnival in Rio De Janeiro, the legends of Brazilian football – Pele and Ronaldo – the Amazon River, the favelas in Rio, the Brazilian TV series “Slave Isaura” and “Clone”, Iguazu Falls, samba dance and bossa nova music are known throughout the world. Here is what you need to know if you are going to visit this amazing country.

People, Culture, Lifestyle and Main Values of Local

Brazil amazes and surprises at first sight. There are giant trees everywhere, flowering plants and two-meter cacti on every corner, and in the parks you can find capybaras, small monkeys, parrots, and crocodiles. There is a huge amount of cool architecture. But also world-class galleries and museums, restaurants from different cuisines of the world. The banking system works even better than in the most developed countries on the planet.

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In reality, Brazil is not as wild and dangerous as many people thought about it, read in articles or saw in blogger reviews. Often these are stereotypes that have little to do with reality.


Brazilians are extroverts, cheerful and easy-going guys. Perhaps these are the kindest and most open people in the world. Both towards their neighbor and towards a foreigner who comes to visit. It doesn’t matter whether you know Portuguese or not. They will gladly accept you into their company and will have fun and dance with you in the same rhythm.

They express themselves easily and freely. They dress as they feel comfortable, wear any hairstyle, get tattoos and piercings. Yes, many Brazilians play sports and try to keep themselves in shape. But they are extremely loyal to both their own and other people’s appearance. Here no one will refuse to go to the beach or shyly cover their body if it does not fit into the framework of generally accepted standards.

Brazilians also always live in the present, but remember their colonial past. Of course, it is important for them to know the history of the people and the country. But they never cling to what happened. They treat that experience without negativity and believe in their bright future.


Brazil is a country with an extraordinarily rich and diverse culture. It has absorbed the traditions of emigrants from all parts of the planet. The backbone of Brazilian culture is made up of Portuguese, Amerindian and African cultures. Brazilians speak a slightly modified Portuguese language. The Tupi-Guarani language is widespread in some regions. They profess Catholicism and the customs of the first colonial settlers. The influence of Indian culture is most noticeable in the Amazon. And traces of African culture are found on the coast of Brazil, starting with Rio de Janeiro.


Brazilian music is rhythmic and loud. It combines African rhythms (the basis of samba), Indian melodies and European musical genres – waltz and polka (an excellent example of such music is the work of the classical composer J. Villa-Lobos). Contemporary Brazilian music combines more the rhythms of samba and North American and British popular songs. Some of the most popular groups of both the past and present are Gilsons, Seu Jorge, Os Paralamas do Sucesso, Marina Sena, Melim, Armandinho e Banda, Lagum and others.


Architecture in Brazil also did not remain without the influence of the culture of the colonialists and went through various phases of searching for its identity: from Baroque to Rococo, from Indian motifs to tropical patterns on the walls. The search for its identity and the constant innovation of its authors have helped Brazil gain recognition throughout the world. The most striking example of Brazilian innovative architecture is the country’s capital, the city of Brasilia, created by one of the founders of modern Brazilian architecture, Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa.

Art and Street Art

Fine art and street art in Brazil also has a rich history, which begins with the emergence of the first primitive cave paintings and reaches the national school of painting in the 18th century, which, thanks to the works of B. Almeida, achieved world recognition in the 19th century. Today, Brazilian artists are famous all over the world and were even honored to decorate the façade wall of the UN residence in New York. And since 1951, Sao Paulo has hosted an international art exhibition every couple of years, attracting artists from more than 50 countries.


Brazilians are very creative, so in areas such as cinema and literature, they have not lagged behind one bit and have made a significant contribution to world culture. Rio de Janeiro even has the world famous Brazilian Academy of Literature. Who among us as a child did not see or at least hear about Brazilian cinema and TV series – “City of God”, “Slave Isaura”, “Secrets of the Tropicana”, “Clone”, “Land of Love, Land of Hope”, “Elite Squad” and etc. They all ran on TV for years.


Brazil and dance are one whole. Brazilians can’t live without music, and there can’t be music without dancing. Surely at least once on television or on the Internet you saw the fiery dances of the locals at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro and, of course, were delighted with what you saw. Samba, capoeira, frevo, funk and ache are the main dance styles in the country, but since Brazilians are very creative people, they are constantly creating new movements and styles. To appreciate the scale of dance culture, you can watch performances of some of the most famous dance schools in Brazil – the ballet Stagium and Grupo Corpo.

Traditions and Customs

Since Brazil has a thousand and one cultures and many different traditions, many of them are very unusual and interesting for us. For example, here the New Year is celebrated not at the table with the family with a Christmas tree or palm tree, but by the water, throwing a burning candle into the ocean and making wishes. Moreover, you definitely need to be dressed in white clothes (it is believed that this way the New Year will be successful for you), complementing the outfit with other multi-colored elements: pink if you want to be healthy, red if you dream of love, yellow or gold if you want to get rich.

Another tradition of Brazilians is communication, lively, long-term and emotional. Here they not only discuss football matches, politics and Brazilian TV series, but they can also easily start a conversation about religion or work.

Local Lifestyle and Core Values

Brazilians love life very much and enjoy it to the fullest: they work until a certain hour, spend weekends by the ocean or with their family, play all kinds of sports or just dance in the street, love feasts, events and any reason to have fun. However, the main value of Brazilians is family and loved ones. They will always prefer them to any fun.

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